
This is a blog about AI safety, cognitive science, philosophy, and much more. The goal is to explore whatever we’re interested in. To that end I (Kay) am collaborating with a collective of unashamed, curiosity-driven explorers who love quirky art and dachshunds. Here are the wonderful collaborators of this blog.

Are you ready to open Pandora’s box?

Gerold Csendes

Gerold’s Image

With a background in business mathematics, applied economics, and data science, Gerold is no stranger to the world of AI. Currently, he’s applying his skills as an AI Engineer at a cancer research startup, which is just as intense as it sounds. But don’t let the serious job title fool you. Outside of work, Gerold is a dedicated dancer who’s convinced that he’s the protagonist in a scene straight out of “The Scent of a Woman.” He’s also the proud parent of two dogs and an unabashed victim of Kay’s nerd sniping.

Despite living far from Italy, Gerold has a romantic notion of the country that he believes adds a dash of charm to his personality. If he’s not crunching numbers or practicing his tango, you might find him training for ultra-long-distance hikes. He recently finished a 56 km hike in a single day and he’s aiming for the 100 km mark. Who says AI engineers can’t be outdoorsy?

Kay Kozaronek

Kay’s Image

In the world of machine learning, Kay is a research engineer who’s on a mission to ensure advanced AI systems are as safe as a cushioned playground. With a background in management consulting and startup experience, Kay sees the creation of these safe AI systems as the most pivotal challenge of our time. His research focuses on the interpretability of large language models, a task as complex as figuring out what his partner wants for dinner.

Kay values clear communication, honest feedback, and a good dad joke. If you ever need a pun to lighten the mood, he’s your guy. When he’s not deciphering AI or cracking jokes, you’ll likely find him immersed in sports, creating music on his piano or guitar, or simply spreading smiles.

If he hadn’t taken up the mantle of AI safety, Kay would probably be a jazz cat, hopping from city to city, playing soulful tunes in smoky jazz clubs with strangers. Fortunately for us, his love for AI is as strong as his love for music.

Kay is particularly proud of his 3-month solo trek through South America, during which he visited 7 countries and picked up Spanish, all without any prior knowledge. The adventure is captured in a series of vlogs on YouTube, showcasing Kay’s quirky documentation style. He’s also incredibly proud of his transition from business administration student to professional AI Safety researcher, thanks to nearly two years of self-study and a grant from OpenPhilanthropy. Talk about a plot twist!