What I’m Doing Now

This is a now page, inspired by Derek Sivers and Thomas Frank.

I treat this as a public declaration of my priorities and a reminder to myself. I am open to considering new opportunities, as I highly value novelty and growth. However, I aspire to stick to my priorities 70% of the time. As a result, I will say no to the majority of requests that come my way now.

If my activities or priorities happen to change, I’ll update this page to reflect those changes.

Updated August 21th, 2023

Setting up a stable homebase

  • My partner and I have been traveling a lot in the past years. We realized that we need more stability.
  • Now we’re spending a few low-key, habit-driven weeks in the polish countryside.
  • After a short travel stint I’ll be establishing a more stable living situation (Likely in Krakow or London)

Speaking at Effective Alltruism Global (EAG)

  • I will be speaking at EAGx in Berlin
  • Title: Level Up: Leveraging Self-awareness, Effective Learning, and Community
  • Description: In this interactive workshop, Kay delves into the art of continuous development, blending effective learning strategies with emotional intelligence and community support. Participants will explore self-awareness techniques, navigate the emotional challenges of learning, and harness the power of community. Ideal for individuals at any career stage seeking to enhance their learning journey, attendees will leave with actionable strategies, from “Habit Contracts” and “Nonviolent Communication” to assembling “Feedback Fellows”, ensuring a holistic approach to personal and professional growth.

Personal Development and Exploration

  • I’m absorbed in thinking about my values and identity. I’m currently writing a post about a valuable exercise I did.
  • A related recurring question is whether I’d like to be a generalist or specialist. Right now I am the former. Do I want it to stay this way? How can I lean in a lot more into this and how can I become a better generalist?
  • To answer these questions I’m experimenting with coaching to help me become more excellent.
  • This is also related to trying to find tactics for how to get more real life feedback. I’m building this website precicely for that purpose. Occasionally, the idea of revamping my personal YouTube channel comes up.
  • An idea that might be helpful in making progress more rapidly is that of forming useful not true beliefs.
  • I’m exploring how I’d like to continue my path and what kind of work I’d like to produce:
    • I’d like to become a better leader
    • I’m spending some time on exercises for how to be a better strategic thinker

These thoughts have been inspired by the following quote:

“It’s now critically important to get into the real world and really challenge yourself. Expose yourself to risk Put yourself in situations where you will succeed or fail by your own decisions and actions, and where that success or failure will be highly visible.” - Mark Andreesen

AI Safety & Entrepreneurship

Learning and Education

  • I’m reading a lot:
    • Atomic Habits
    • Refuse to Choose!
    • Range
    • The Personal MBA
    • Excellent Advice for Living
    • SPRINT
  • Doing daily math at Brilliant.org:
    • Linear Algebra with Applications
    • Probability Theory
    • Geometry
  • I’m learning more about mental-wellbeing:

Health and Exercise

  • As an early birthday gift to myself I am planning to run a Marathon on the 21st of April 2024
  • To that end I am preparing to participate in the 9th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon on October 8th, 2023. This includes daily runs and morning stretches as well as some full body HIIT units.
  • I will take 1 week of surfing lessons this year
  • Eating healthily again
  • My sleeping schedule is strict and I prioritize getting 8-9 hours of quality sleep.

Miscellaneous Side Projects