Reacting to Reality (Season 1 - Post 4)

How do you react when reality hits you in the face?
Season 1

Kay Kozaronek


May 24, 2024

Reacting to Reality

Reality can hit us in the face with unexpected events which offer us a decision point: Should I change, accept, or avoid it? These three distinct approaches shape our response to life’s challenges.

Imagine a coworker has called in sick. His responsibilities get reassigned to you and suddenly you’re swamped with tasks. How do you react?

Change it: Identify the problem, devise a solution, and act on it. Reassigning or reprioritizing tasks can help ease your burden.

Avoid it: Handing in your resignation is an option. It offers instant relief but might come at the cost of long-term distress.

Accept it: This is perhaps the trickiest. Seeing the situation for what it is and “being at ease” is hard. Nobody likes to be buried in work, yet some tasks need to be done.

I think the Serenity Prayer summarizes it best:

O God, give us the serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what can be changed, and the wisdom to know the one from the other.

Funnily, it doesn’t include avoidance. Perhaps it’s just another form of change?

Practice the skill of identifying which situation you are in so you can choose the appropriate reaction.